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Música [#5]

A dessa semana é uma que não faz nem tanto tempo que foi lançada e que o vídeo ando vendo bastante desde que começou a ser divulgado (gosto sempre que a ouço):

Should Be Higher de Depeche Mode 


I dream of a day
When I dare to believe
You're the answer
When the shame
And the guilt are removed
And the truth appears
With the touch of your hand
I lose who I am
If I want to
I tried to resist
But succumb to the bliss
Of your kiss

You should be higher
I'll take you higher
Don't be afraid
You'll just have to pray

Your lies are more attractive
Than the truth
Love is all I want
Your lies are written down
In your book
Love is all I want

Your arms are infected
They are holding the truth
Oh stop all your crying
This one you'll lose

You should be higher
I'll take you higher
So don't be afraid
You'll just have to pray

Your lies are more attractive
Than the truth
Love is all I want
Your lies are written down
In your book
Love is all I want

You should be higher
You should be higher



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